Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Jordan Leslie-Ann Lee--November 12, 2007

Jason and I had decided that two kids was where we were going to stop. I would have ten kids, but they do cost money! We thought that with two kids, we could provide them with a nice lifestyle and would be content with the one boy and one girl. God had other plans, though! Surprise!! In late February of 2007, we found out we were pregnant! Shortly thereafter, Jason and I made a decision that I would resign from teaching for a while and stay at home with the kids. It was quite ironic that I had just finished up getting my master's degree, to only resign from teaching! I miss teaching music, and miss having faculty friends, but I would not trade this time I have at home with my children for a million dollars!!

Jordan's due date was November 15th--Jenny's birthday! I really didn't want them to have the exact same birthday! It was bad enough that two of our kids' birthday fell in the middle of the most important month of Auburn Football! haha! Jason was traveling a lot to Miami for a job he had down there, so we thought inducing would be a great way to make sure he was around when Jordan decided to show up! Once again, we had to be at the hospital at 6:00am. Same as before, Dr. Stone broke my water as soon as I got robed, and we were well on our way to meeting our #3! All of my labor and deliveries were so smooth, but this time, I had a slight scare. Shortly after receiving my epidural, my blood pressure bottomed out. I mean....way out. It was 60 something over 30 something. I remember seeing blackness closing in around me and every one's voices were reverberating. It was so strange, and scary! I don't know what the nurse was squeezing, but she took an IV bag and was hovering over me and squeezing it hard and I started to "come to." I got sick when my blood pressure came back up, but after throwing up, I was fine. After only four hours of labor, Jordan was here weighing 7lb 12oz.

I can't believe she'll be 2 next month! Time has really flown by! She is truly a blessing. We may not have "planned" to have her, but we could not imagine our lives without her!! She gives the best hugs and is so loving! She is a pistol, too, though! She gives Jenny grief and loves to pull her hair! (I think it's because she's jealous of all of Jenny's hair! ha) She is finally starting to talk--some! Her consonants are not clear most of the time, but she's trying. She can say, "War Eagle, hey!" very well!! She actually says this better than "mommy." She still calls me "Bobby" or "Boppy" more than she says "mommy." It's the m's!!

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